photos of natural and unnatural disasters
2011 seems to be a year full of natural disasters. We've already witnessed so much catastrophic destruction and we're not even halfway through the year yet. This past week, I've come across so many powerful images of nature's fury. Why is it that tragedy and misery produce such incredible photography? Or is it us humans who are eerily drawn to natural and unnatural phenomena?
These are links to some of the most amazing nature photos I've seen recently:
:: Chile's Puyehue volcano (Time magazine), which erupted on June 4
:: Wildfires in Arizona (Time)
I saw a review today of this book by J. Henry Fair that fall into the same category of nature's wonders, although the tragically beautiful photographs here are all of wonders created artificially - no thanks to mankind.
"red mud" of bauxite waste from The Day After Tomorrow: Images of Our Earth in Crisis |
waste from a pulp mill in Baton Rouge, Louisiana The Day After Tomorrow: Images of Our Earth in Crisis |
The Day After Tomorrow: Images of Our Earth in Crisis |
The Day After Tomorrow: Images of Our Earth in Crisis
Fair hopes to drive awareness with his book. He writes: “If we all demanded toilet paper made from old newspapers instead of blithely purchasing brands made from old-growth forests, those forests would be saved as would all of the animals who live there.”
More photos from the book at this Co.Design post and in this video
The Day After Tomorrow from powerHouse Books on Vimeo
[via fastcodesign]
Get updates from The Day After Tomorrow blogSince we're on photos, here're links to
:: Life magazine's awards for the top photo blogs
:: Images of our planet from space (Time)
[ check out my other photo posts ]
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by liberal sprinkles