September 5, 2011

The Move, Paper Animation and Purex commercial by Mandy Smith


I'm reading several books on paper art and crafts and came across these animations by Mandy Smith. Enjoy.

The Move, Paper Animation is a short story inspired by moving in Amsterdam, illustrated through paper.

The Move, Paper Animation from Mandy Smith on Vimeo

Direction and Art Direction/ Mandy Smith
Music and Sound Design/ Lawrence Horne, Piers Burbrook de Vere and Jeremy Yang

And this here is a commercial made for Purex, made out of toilet paper (except the doggie of course). Cute.

Purex from Mandy Smith on Vimeo

There are more paper artworks from Mandy Smith at her website. Make sure to check it out if you enjoy paper art.

You may like my other posts on paper art:
:: Paper Engineering [book review]
:: Jen Stark art
:: anastassia elias / isaac salazar
:: ariana boussard-reifel / ferry staverman / paper donut
:: VIDEOS: paper cut animation films
:: paper cut art: Joe Bagley

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[ check out my other posts on paper crafts ]

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