February 12, 2011

match stick art : pei-san ng


i have a burning passion for making
but not so much for destroying...

matches: passion
chicago-based architectural designer and multimedia artist pei-san ng created her latest works from match sticks. about 2,500 match sticks went into this piece { passion } , which took 24 hours to make. says ng: "love on fire represents romance and passion or destructions and jealousy. it is raw and gritty."

...as opposed to this one below, { crush } , made of shorter, pink matches. ng: "crushes are small, cute, beautiful and there came many in our lives."

matches: Crush

another work from the matches collection

matches: heart of gold

for the matches pieces, ng uses a lot of red-tipped matches, some of which she burns. she says: "in chinese culture red is a very lucky color, matches evoke danger. i think that by mixing those two messages the audience is forced to take a second or third look. i want to tempt the viewer to destroy my artwork.” 

i dont know if i could do that to any piece of art! i once saw a fellow traveller on a train rip up pages of a book as he finished reading both sides of each sheet. i was amazed and appalled!

matches: transformation (partly burned hawk)

matches: dollar
left: temptation
right: burned

matches: dollar

the artist:
"i personally see the burned $ 
as an individual literally burning 
their money away. it’s an irony. 
when a person buys this 
piece of  art (unburned) 
and he or she lit it on fire, i want this person 
to be conscious of 
their action. 
he or she is burning their money away.  
however, one also have the option to 
not burn it.  
it presents the question of 
how do you value art, 
is it an object that you can keep indefinitely 
or is it an experience that is 
over in 5 minutes? 
there’s not that many art out there that 
asks you to burn it."

what about what the work would mean to you once it's been burned? a different experience when you look at the before and after, i think.

this next piece was made in tribute to a friend who'd passed away...

mookie's sneakers,
made for chris hales, aka DJ tapedek, aka mookie

mookie's sneakers, burning

mookie's sneakers, burnt

artist pei-san ng says: "in chinese culture, we burn paper money so the spirit can take these notes with them to the afterlife. these papers are called joss paper. in contemporary culture, they have included paper cell phone, paper credit cards and paper boats. i made a pair of sneakers for chris to take with. he loves his sneakers and he always have the perfect pair to go with his outfit. he was fashionable."

all photos from pei-san ng's site, found at fossil blog
make art with a love theme. read here

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by liberal sprinkles


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