March 7, 2011

Blue Monday: because I love...


hello, I am continuing the theme I used for my Favorite Things Friday/Pink Saturday post, telling a bit about myself in my photo shares this week.
linking to Blue Monday at SmilingSally

{ because i love walking on the beach }
seashells via browndresswithwhitedots

{ because i love nature }
by Sortvind, found on pinterest

{ because i love butterflies }
by Yvette Inufio, found on pinterest

{ because i love photography }
My Cloud Tree by by Karlis Keisters

{ because i love watching the sunset }
found on tumblr

{ because i love looking for stars }
found on pinterest

{ because i love books }
 { and because i would love to make such beautiful journals } 
journals made from recycled sari, from Nkuku

{ because i love cameras and cute stuff }
camera bookmark from Susan Accessories

{ because I love boxes and washi tape}
repurposed cigar box via apartmenttherapy

{ because i love squares }
Fondant-covered square cakes via Martha Stewart

{ because i love things done with the Tube map }
London Tube font via brain pickings
Did you know you can find animals on the London Underground?

{ because i love retro and vintage }
1950s McDonald's via fuckyearhvintage-retro

{ because i love and make jewelry}
viewfinder bangle from bethtastic

{ because i love way too many gorgeous things }
Crackled glass turquoise candle votive via dreamstime

{ because i love sitting by the window and looking out }
from pinterest

{ because i'd love to catch a star or at least to dream }
The Stars Are Against Me Tonight. Print by dkim

{ because I love having the chance to say thanks }

Things I’m thankful for. by laurageorge

Thank you for visiting! Thank you, my followers :)

more of what I love
because I love... ~ liberal sprinkles

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by liberal sprinkles


Cindy Adkins said...

Wow, Grace, this is a glorious post!!! I absolutely love that sunset's so beautiful. Happy Blue Monday! I hope you have a lovely week.

Carolyn Ford said...

I LOVE your blog! Beautiful and meaningful photography! Wow!

Felicity said...

Where do I start?
Each of these could form the basis of a post unto itself.

The jewels, the natural elements, that vase, the artwork.

I'm love, love, loving each and every one!

Thank you for sharing,

Felicity x

clavs said...

Looks like the clouds are moving? Happy blue monday! I am your newest follower, visit me back,

SmilingSally said...

You've got me drooling.

Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday, Grace.

Donnie said...

Because I love all your photos.

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful. Happy Blue Monday,

Lisa x

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

These are all pretty pictures, espeically the second one i love it

My Blue Monday

Visit My MYM

Patty said...

Breathtakingly beautiful!

I'm so glad that I stopped by!

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment!


Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Grace, once again, you have captured it all so beautifully. Thank you for this post, and Happy Blue Monday!

Fe_craft n fashion said...

ohh I like the blue butterflies.. can I have one haaa kidding...

Roz said...

I loved this beautiful post so much! Wow! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment on my blog! Now following you and looking forward to more of this delightful blog. Roz at la bell vita

Janet said...

I did enjoy your post, the photos are amazing and very beautiful. My favourite has to be the stars above the tree tops, that's magical.

Kathy Eickholt of Cat Lady Kate's Elegant and Depression Glass said...

Love the blog post Grace. And love the idea of using the underground map, to turn it into a picture. Well done

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Grace,

I came back to tell you about those round tins (they are made of tin and painted, instead of being made of wood ... I got them at a garage sale years ago).

But then I re-read your post again and I so enjoyed your choice of photos and how telling the post is about you and the things you love. It is a such a great idea.
Do you have a page/store with your jewelry? Is that what "My Tumbir" is? I'll have to take a look.

Thanks so much for visiting, and for your input and interest.

Best and God bless,


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